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Learning Brioche Knitting


If you read my weekly summary yesterday, you may be surprised to hear that I started a new project today.  Yes, I do have many WIP projects that I need to complete, but I had an opportunity to take an online knitting class and I jumped at the chance.  First, because it's about Brioche knitting and second, because I wanted to be able to share my experience with everyone.  I know that many people wonder about online classes, so I figured that I would give you a first-hand report on the benefits of taking an online knitting class.

So why Brioche Knitting?  Well, I've read about brioche knitting before, but I've never tried it.  I consider myself an advanced knitter, but this is one form of knitting that I haven't tried yet.  So I figured that this was the perfect type of project to tackle through an online video class.  That way I'd have the visual reference to help explain the new stitches and techniques.

Knitting has standard abbreviations and knitting terms, but brioche has a language all it's own.  Do you know what a burp, or a bark is?  Nope, I didn't know before the class either.  Read along with me as I update you on the progress of this project and I'll share what I learn.

More tomorrow, with hopefully some samples to show you.


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